Stourbridge Town Centre Vauxhall Road DY8 1EX

Posted: May 16, 2024 by tidystourbridge in Litter

An amazing turnout last night which saw the regular team being joined by new faces. It was lovely to see all. Our volunteers were Alun, Rachael, Pam, Ivor, David, Emma, Pete, Katie, Cameron, Linda, Val, John, Jan, Helen and Les.

The team spread out to tackle the litter problem areas – around the ring road and in part of the centre itself.

A total of 16 bags of rubbish were collected. Also we managed to pick up a traffic bollard, a tub of large electric bulbs and yet another car boot shelf.

A big thanks to all the volunteers who gave up their free time to come and help Tidy Stourbridge by removing the rubbish off the streets.

All are welcome to attend, so if you are free and wish to attend one of our Summer events please come along if you love your area and what to do something positive for the community.

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